The Black Aspect


Welcome to the exploration of the Black aspect of the Crystal Compass.
An aspect where stability and security form the bedrock upon which we build our lives and pursue our dreams. 

What is the Crystal Compass?

The Crystal Compass is a framework to support your journey through the spectrum of human experience using colour and crystals. It provides:

  • Guidance on areas of your life for improvement
  • Practical activities
  • Crystal recommendations

Take our free assessment to get your personalised crystal compass.

Just as a sturdy foundation is essential for a building's stability and longevity, a stable and secure environment is crucial for our well-being and success in life. The Black aspect encompasses the elements of our lives that provide us with a sense of grounding, safety, and predictability - our homes, our communities, our relationships, and our financial security.


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Our Favourite Crystals

These black crystals can be used in various ways to enhance the Black aspect of life, promoting stability, security, and well-being. Whether used individually or in combination, they offer valuable support and assistance on the journey towards personal growth and transformation.

Have you got your Crystal Compass?

The Crystal Compass is a framework to support your journey through the spectrum of human experience using colour and crystals. It provides:

  • Guidance on areas of your life for improvement
  • Practical activities
  • Crystal recommendations

Take our free assessment to get your personalised crystal compass.